Get to Know More About Map Policies


The retail business has evolved rapidly in the past decade. It opened many new opportunities for new brands. Digitalization has further pushed the boundaries with e-commerce adoption. Today every second thing is available online. Most online shoppers compare prices at least once to get the best deals. 


Map pricing policy plays an important role in decision-making. Since the competition is high, some sellers sell items at a lower price, violating MAP policies. That may increase their sales for a while but ruin the overall image of the e-commerce setup. Different prices for a single product put a question mark on the authenticity of the company. Here map pricing policy comes to the rescue.


MAP - what is it? 


MAP or minimum advertised price is a predetermined minimum price for a product. No seller (whether offline or online) can advertise or sell a product below the price. MAP pricing policy has been applied strongly as nowadays the e-commerce market is growing, and so is the number of 3rd party sellers. The policy is so crucial for the maintenance of the community standards of a brand. MAP policies benefit all parties (buyers and sellers). Due to it the competition remains healthy. 


Why is MAP Policing Important?


We all are aware of the booming growth of digitalization. In addition to that, The worldwide pandemic made people more dependent on online sources. Thus e-commerce businesses are full-time jobs to many people. It is so crucial to ensure that no grey head makes its way in between. Because

  • Violation of MAP policy may ruin the brand image
  • It creates doubts in the minds of consumers
  • A product also loses its credibility when MAP is not maintained
  • The reputation of manufacturers also goes at stake
  • The chances of fair and healthy competition is less when there is no MAP


Hence, applying a map pricing policy is the most stable way to ensure that the above things don't happen. It also impacts business growth in the long run. 


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