How To Implement MAP Pricing And Enforce It Effectively?

MAP breaches can result in significant consequences for brands, including as customer loss, reputational harm, breakdown of confidence amongst business partners, and financial losses. These resellers limit a brand's sales potential and eat into its margins by selling at prices cheaper than the stipulated map policy. That is why brand owners must understand how to implement MAP pricing. What exactly is the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)? The MAP, or Minimum Advertised Price, is a predetermined minimum price for a product below which resellers agree not to promote or sell. MAP pricing strategies are intended to benefit both manufacturers and retailers since they protect retailers' margins and avoid brand depreciation. How Can Brands Effectively Enforce Minimum Advertised Price? Manually enforcing and monitoring MAP compliance is a near-impossible task. To guarantee total MAP compliance, brands require technology to monitor hundreds of thousands of their items offered ...