Benefits of MAP Monitoring in Businesses

The MAP, minimum advertised price is the minimum price at which the retailer should sell its products. The main function of it is to scan the fluctuations in prices of the product at different e-commerce websites. The easiest way to MAP monitor is through automatic extraction of information from a web page. Having a track on the minimum price has a lot of benefits for a company. MAP monitoring will help you to build a company that has a strong base. It is very essential in today’s era of e-commerce. It is important to keep track of the online prices of all the websites so that the retailer does not sell a product below the MAP. If you are not sure about the benefits of MAP, take a look at the advantages of it-: · To maintain a brand image- One of the important reasons for MAP is to protect the image of the brand. Low price attracts customers but the retailers mustn't sell the product below a certain price. Pricing is imp...